What a win to get author and ESL consultant Tina Beene on the Boosting Achievement podcast this week!
You can listen to the show right here: http://bit.ly/TinaBeeneBAP
Her passion for supporting teachers is evident throughout the conversation. Tina’s perspective comes from her years of teaching bilingual and ESL in Texas. She is now a very in-demand consultant with Seidlitz Education and the author of the popular book, Teaching Social Studies to ELLs.
Tina and I discuss the unique challenges of teaching social studies to immigrant students. She brings up great points about language structures and background. But Tina also offers practical ways to approach the differentiation that needs to take place.
Tina shares strategies and a positive point of view that should help all of us grow our mindset for what is possible in the Social Studies classroom.
You can follow Tina on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/TBeeneEdu
To learn more about her and inquire about having Tina come to your campus, you can visit the Seidlitz Education website here: www.seidltizeducation.com
Tina’s book is available directly from Seidlitz Education products or via Amazon.
I also share a great tweet by Mr. Jesse Galvan, 5th grade teacher in Austin, Texas.
We can make our room fit all our needs . (: thanks @MsSalvac for the idea. #pceproud #LISDCampions pic.twitter.com/1sCmyQ8n6q
— Jessie Galvan (@GalvanTeaches) September 28, 2017
Jessie used the “Desk Olympics” suggestion from Boosting Achievement and was good enough to record a quick video of his students changing the desk arrangement to suit instructional needs. This strategy is something you can teach your language learners to do in less than one class period. If you record the students practicing, they are highly motivated to get quicker. This saves so many instructional minutes! Newcomers and non-English speakers have no problem with this activity as a visual of expected desk arrangement can/should be provided for all students.
Thank you for tuning in this week!