Hello! Thank you for visiting this blog! If you are here for videos, they can be found here.
Click the links in the MENU to find what you’re looking for. If you are here, you must have some interest in education…. your education, or that of others. Thank you for that.
Yes, we need to show students what to do to become more fluent. That is in the “What to do Right Now” part of this episode. But it falls flat if you are not helping them reflect on how far they have come, and showing them where they could be in a few months, years.. and beyond.
Remind them to practice patience and realize that each day brings more ability.
Apply this to your own practice:
The Past: As I work with Newcomers, do I realize how much my knowledge base has grown? About them? About practices?
The Future: Where do I hope to be by the end of the school year? Set some clear goals about habits or PD that you want.
TODAY: What can you do right now (Small Moves by Nancy Motley) that would have a big effect? How do we turn things into habits and how are we challenging our beliefs and our own mindset? Here are a few videos by Nancy Motely so you can get some of that learning for free:
The 2nd Edition of Boosting Achievement is almost here!
If you are feeling distraught right now, I have a process that might help you. I’ve had a very hard time lately due to the results of the 2024 election. But I have taught newcomers during some very challenging times and learned some skills that are making a difference. Perhaps they can support you too if you are having a difficult in your role as a teacher of new arrival students. You can listen to this show in your favorite podcast app or right here: Listen to “BAP124 LEAP – Teaching Newcomers in This Climate” on Spreaker.
Here is the acronym and in this show, I explain what I mean by each of these steps:
Based on the last 12 months of working with newcomer teachers, here is a checklist to set ourselves up for success. These ideas will make all the difference for the students and for the teacher.
You can listen to the podcast right here or in your favorite podcast app. All the links are below.
I structured this show in 3 parts:
Things to Be Sure You’re Doing – ALL Year.
Review of my 5 Top Tips for Setting Up Your Classroom (May not be new to you at all)
Reflection and thinking out loud a bit about supporting ELAR
Part 1: Things to Be Sure You’re Doing – ALL Year.
✅ Have the right mindset. I share a few different mindsets that helped so much. When I was new to having so many newcomers and SLIFE, things did not go well initially. Most of that was because of how I was thinking about things. Self-talking and keeping a few things in mind made me so much more effective and the job became so much easier. For example, getting daily reminders about what a newcomer can do VS what it looks like they can do; reminding ourselves that each day it will get easier for them (patience), and also the effect of kindness. If a newcomer teacher is getting overwhelmed (like I was at first) take deep breaths and remember that you are playing the long game. The job exists to help these learners become confident and more fluent. We should be focusing on a culture of conversation. See other shows on how to get them talking, TOP TIP on that is QSSSA.
Find someone who can help you with those mindsets daily. Put things in your Environment
✅ Self Direct your own PD (3 minutes a day can do wonders!)
Part 2: Review of my 5 Top Tips for Setting Up Your Classroom (May not be new to you at all)
I did not start with these because many subscribers have seen them so much. But they are great reminders. Some of the most effective newcomer teachers I know rewatch that video before every school year. I mention each one in today’s podcast episode but the video is an hour and shows many examples of what these things look like:
Part 3: Reflection and thinking out loud a bit about supporting ELAR
The Writing Process (credit to Abydos Learning International). I am having great discussions with amazing content teachers on how to include pre-literate SLIFE in grade level work (like writing). Kudos to these eduHeroes!
These content teachers have a desire to hold these students in high-regard (✅ ?)… they are understanding that the learners CAN do this work (✅ ?)… and they want to support them with high expectations for content WHILE they gain English and more literacy (✅ ?)
Thank you for your interest in this podcast. You are helping me learn so much!
Wishing you the best school year ever! Please take good care.
HUGS, Carol
PS: Please reach out if we can help you. We love working world-wide 🌎 with education communities to support newcomers and all the teachers who support them.
I have a super important show for you today! Some of the things I mention are KEY to receiving higher numbers of newcomers throughout the year in a way that makes sense for the teacher and the students. This show also offers ideas for getting the most of our time with our newcomers. You can listen to the show in your favorite podcast app or right here:
I’m covering the strong effect of Reflection and Evaluation. This show does a bit of a deep dive into how we can all take a moment to reflect and how we can help the students do the same. There is strong evidence that Reflection and Evaluation have a significant impact on learning. I quote researcher John Hattie for this. Learn more about his research here.
Reflection and Evaluation – This show covers:
Research and Resources about Reflection
The Newcomer Students
US! Educators who Teach Newcomers
The Content Area Teacher
1) Research and Links for Resources on Reflection and Evaluation
DIYpd for Educators of MLs is a teacher resource I wrote with Dr. Katie Toppel and Tan Huynh. The book and the training are powerful resources for helping teachers of language learners to personalize their learning. Reflection is a big part of it. Reach out if you have questions about the training!
2) Reflection activities for the Newcomer Students:
At the end of the school year, Newcomers record messages of encouragement for the following year’s newcomers. Example video here:
Throughout the Year, your Newcomers can make videos on the classroom routines. Things like the Social Contract would be great to have videos about. Social Contract Episode
Use Co-constructed Text *about* how we learn so that students can re-read longer text with messages that remind them of what they can be doing to accelerate their language acquisition.
Newcomers should be reflecting on their progress daily.
Newcomers should be reflecting on how this all becomes easier every day and that they are becoming BILINGUAL.
Newcomer Teachers, Ideas for OUR OWN Reflection:
Are they making progress? Likely yes. First and foremost, pat yourself on the back.🙌 Do the students understand more than they did on their first day? They ARE making progress in your care. 🎉
Are you focusing on Kindess, Patience and holding students in high regard? My doctoral research on SLIFE suggests that these are THE MOST important things we can do to support persistence in school with students who have missed education.
To improve, I always wanted to reflect on: How much are the students speaking in our ESL Time? The ESL time exists for FLUENCY. They should be speaking more than I am.
Reflection Video to help teachers see what Newcomers (at all different levels) can own their learning. Some are SLIFE, others are highly educated. But all are using English and re-reading the English text we have created together. They are talking, talking, talking and using the walls different ways:
To make this happen, I had to be sure to use QSSSA for structuredconversations. The routine is from John Seidlitz and Bill Perryman of Seidlitz Education. It is our TOP TIP as consultants. Find more resources on QSSSA here or get the book here:
USE W.I.T: This is how we can help students extend their conversations.
Want examples to show your older students how the class can look? Get them talking with Kagan Strategies and show them models from YouTube. Search YouTube for”Kagan Strategies Middle School” or “Kagan Strategies High School.”
Content Teachers, Reflection for Their Students:
As stated earlier, ALL students benefit greatly from reflection and evaluation. Ideas for content teachers include things like can a 90 second quick write, a Turn & Talk (with QSSSA) or an Exit Ticket as ways to support students’ reflection.
This blog post offers research and ideas for USING writing in content classrooms
In the show I describe how ONE SENTENCE STARTER in the content classroom can be powerful to pair with an Exit Ticket. And there are powerful added benefits of sharing that with the students at the beginning of class. Now you’ve framed the lesson with clear goals and set everyone up for a strong opportunity for a quick reflection on their learning.
I hope this show has been helpful for you. It has been a great opportunity for me to reflect… so I thank you for that! PLEASE, as always, reflect on the fact that YOU are amazing. If you are listening to an education podcast, it is evident that you care A LOT about students. That speaks volumes to me about what kind of an educator you are. I hold you in very high regard!
Also, please remember that I am part of the Seidlitz Education Newcomer Division. We would LOVE to work with you if that makes sense. Any one of us would be happy to schedule a call to talk about how you are serving newcomers in your school or district to see if we could be of service to you. You can reach me at CarolSalva1@gmail.com
In this episode, Khalil El-Saghir shares insight about supporting the educators of Multilingual Learners. His background is extensive! In the first half of this episode, we get to hear about where his passion comes from. The second half of the show ended up being a blueprint for an effective Language Assistance Program as he shares specific, essential elements every program should have.
You can listen to this show in your favorite podcast app or right here:
As promised in the show, here are links to some of the things we both mentioned:
Wayne RESA (A Regional Education Service Agency in Michigan)
NAELPA (The National Association of EL Program Administrators)
The SIOP Model (A proven instructional framework for making content comprehensible and developing academic language. The framework was developed by Dr. Jana Echevarría, Dr. MaryEllen Vogt, and Dr. Deborah Short)
Here are some of my favorite Khalil quotes from this show:
“You can’t be a good teacher if you can’t be a good learner.”
“We need to break down the silos. We don’t want walls.”
“Building a viable program is a journey, not a destination.”
“We want to make every classroom an EL classroom. It is enriching to everyone.”
“I am a language learner… [looking back] as an adult, I wish I would have had those scaffolds”
Key Elements for an Effective Language Assistance Program:
Khalil is clear that this is by no means an exhaustive list, but these are definitely important principles for a solid foundation:
Establishing clear measurable objectives and goals
Hiring teachers and staff who are qualified.
Providing those teachers with ongoing professional learning on best practices PD
Implementing instructional strategies and materials that reflect the cultural and linguistic diversity of students.
Considering students’ backgrounds as an asset and implementing differentiated instruction tailored to their unique needs.
Implementing differentiated instruction for all content areas.
Employing multiple assessment tools to monitor progress and inform instruction.
Fostering collaboration among educators, specialists, administrators, families, community organizations, and leaders.
Providing access to grade-level content while developing English proficiency using scaffolding strategies.
Ensuring adequate resources such as funding, materials, technology, and professional development opportunities.
Encouraging districts to apply for available state and federal funds allocated for multilingual education through partnerships and consortiums.
Regularly evaluating the effectiveness of the program based on data and feedback from stakeholders.
My big takeaways were that collaboration, continuous improvement, support networks, and ongoing learning are key components in creating a successful Language Assistance Program that supports both the academic success and language proficiency of students.
🙏🏽BIG THANK YOU to Khalil for reinforcing these important principles. It was such a good conversation for my learning journey.
Or just reach out to me at Carol@SeidlitzEducation.com if you’d like to know more about how we work with districts to support their teachers who teach Multilingual Learners.
Rising number of Newcomers? Happened to me too. Mid-year/Winter break was a great time to hit the reset button. This was always the time of year that behavoir and sheer number of students coming in regularly made me do a hard stop to reset things. But what worked for me can be implemented any time of year. You can listen to the show on the podcast app of your choice or right here:
If you are not at a holiday break, a great time is after a long weekend, or even a regular weekend. Just come back to school ready to reset expectations, reinforce the reasons we do certain activities or maybe try new things. I thought you might like to see my top tips for getting a class back on track. Some of it is about behavior expectations but some of it is just GOOD newcomer classroom activities that keep everyone engaged. I did this same show back in 2019 but I’ve added some stuff here as well.
For example, recent data from the UNHCR shows a drastic increase in the number of forcibly displaced persons worldwide.
I also promised to share the free resources from the Boosting Achievement book. You can find it here. (note that it is called a ‘book study’ but you can do it without the book!)
Below is recycled from the 2019 show but it all holds true today.
Routines.Have them and spend time training your students on the routines. What should they do when they come in? Where do they turn in homework? What should they do if we finish their work early? Spend some time explicitly teaching routines and then stick by them.
Language Experience Approach as often as possible. Co-creating text with your students will automatically increase engagement because you are honoring their ideas and allowing them to speak and contribute to the text you are scribing. You can write about a recent experience but you can also summarize a video or spark interest and preview grade level vocabulary or content that will be taught in their content classes. Check out this blog post and video for a lot more on how to do LEA with your students.
Use questioning strategies that boost achievement and set ALL students up for success. All of your students will be engaged if you use QSSSA. If you need to know more about this technique, check out this padlet by Christopher Hagy. He used it to offer his teachers choice in their PD. That strategy is critical for the ESL classroom. Just practice it a lot and get your students comfortable talking a out engaging topics so you can establish the routine. I also mentioned W.I.T. That structure is to question with more rigor. It is a great way to differentiate. You’ll find a WIT graphic on that padlet as well.
5. Teach Students What to Say Instead of “I Don’t Know” Explain to your students that it is totally OKAY not to know the answer to a question. But from now on, we won’t be saying “I don’t know” anymore. From this point forward, they can use one of these questions to be able to find more information. By teaching students what to say instead of I don’t know, you’re empowering all students to be successful and also giving kids a life skill they can use immediately in other areas of their lives. It is incredibly important for newcomers to have phrases like these so they are not stressed out when they start being ready to participate and be called on. They are also the type of questions /phrases that help as these students become the language brokers for their families (at the doctor’s office, at the grocery store, etc..)
Use Kahoot! A lot! Don’t just review with this awesome platform. You can do so much more! Here is a page with many ways to use the platform. ESL teachers can use some of the Kahoot Studio quizzes to pre-teach vocabulary for content teachers. You can let your students create Kahoot quizzes and more. Did you know that there is now a single-player app? Any of your Kahoot quizzes can be played by a student 3 questions at a time so they can review concepts on their own. If you’re the Newcomer teacher, you’ll love this video on Kahoot for Non-English Speakers:
You can even review those classroom norms by creating a Kahoot out of them!
The Boosting Achievement Classroom Management Reboot chat happened back in 2018 and here is a collection of input from so many people on what to do if behavior is getting out of hand mid year:
Something I ended the show with back in 2019 was a quote from Emily Francis. I had recently heard her say that tf your students FEEL valued and important they WILL be successful. I agree 100%. Their timeline may be differentas they grow in bilingualism or gain literacy.
But eventually, if they don’t give up, and if they believe it’s possible, they will experience success. Thank you for supporting that.
Hey, Newcomer Teacher: YOU ARE DOING GREAT WORK!! You are amazing and you ARE making a difference. I know things get so stressful when your caseload increases. Please remember that we know how to serve them. Kindness, patience, and holding them in high regard has the biggest effect on their long-term success.
So get yourself a reboot too. Please take care of yourself.
PS: Did you know that our Newcomer division is getting results when districts work with us to implement systemic change? Please email me at Carol@SeidlitzEducation.com if you’d like to know more.
You can listen to this show in your favorite podcast app or right here:
“Perfect is the Enemy of Good” – Voltaire
What does this quote mean to you? To me, it has meant that I was not producing this show for a while because I have not had time to make the show notes as extensive as I normally do.
How unfortunate that is when I get SO MUCH good from putting out any show. My learning is on overdrive every time I re-listen to a show to post it. So expect more shows. And expect them to be even MORE imperfect than ever before. But for me, they will be good enough. 🙂
Links to What I Mention
In this show, I mention a great book by author and educational consultant (and my mentor), Nancy Motley.
I have some really great, free education for us in this show! The wonderful Jessica Lander is here to share about her book (that I LOVE), Making Americans: Stories of Historic Struggles, New Ideas, and Inspiration in Immigrant Education. I’m thrilled to tell you that she shares so many ideas from the book in this interview.
You can find this show in your favorite podcast app or listen to it right here:
Jessica is not only the author of this great book, she currently teaches history and civics to recent immigrant students in an urban Massachusetts public high school. Read about the many awards she has won and more about her impressive background right here.
I was honored when Jessica called me a few years ago to get ideas for her research. I was even more excited to see my suggestions appear in her book! In this show, we talk about this and several other innovative ideas that are happening right now. She shares several!
In the show, Jessica explains that school communities must work to nurture a sense of belonging for immigrant-origin students. I couldn’t agree more! So then the eight chapters of the book are organized by the eight essential principles she details on the show. Here is a peek at the chapters so you can see what she is talking about:
Introduction, Part 1 & 2 from the Table of Contents:
Introduction: Belonging
Present: Lowell High School, Massachusetts
Personal: Robert
Part 1
Chapter 1: New Beginnings
Past: Americanization Movement
Present: Las Americas, Texas
Personal: Srey Neth
Chapter 2: Community
Past: Settlement House Movement
Present: Aurora ACTION Zone, Colorado
Personal: Julian
Chapter 3: Security
Past: Meyer v. Nebraska
Present: Fargo South High, North Dakota
Personal: Choori
Chapter 4: Opportunities to Dream
Past: Mendez v. Westminster
Present: ENLACE, Massachusetts
Personal: Safiya
Chapter 5: Advocates
Past: LBJ and Education
Present: Guilford School District, North Carolina
Personal: Robert
Part 2
Chapter 6: Seeing Strengths
Past: Lau v. Nichols
Present: International School at Langley Park, Maryland
Personal: Carla
Chapter 7: Acceptance
Past: Plyler v. Doe
Present: Global Village Project, Georgia
Personal: Diane
Chapter 8: Voice
Past: Bilingual Education
Possible: Reimagining Immigrant Education
Epilogue: Belonging
Personal: Robert
I loved listening to her share about the past, the present, and the personal examples from the book. She has really captured what we need to focus on from those three angles.
I also mentioned Dr. Marie Moreno who was mentioned in the book and was the principal of a newcomer center here in Houston, Texas. I am super excited that I suggested Jessica connect with Dr. Moreno when she was doing her research on folks doing interesting, innovative work for recent immigrants.
And I often talk about Dr. Ilene Winokur when I talk about belonging. She is a great person to follow as well!
Jessica suggests that we find more ways to connect and share. She has given us seven schools/examples, that are so important to know about, but she tells us to go beyond reading this book. The more connected we are, the more we will learn. And the more we can share.
She poses the question: How do we create more communities of practice so we can collaborate? She tells us that this is the work of now.
So please connect with her and with me. We are both passionate about learning and sharing with our online networks. That is at least a start!
Jessica encourages us to support local bookstores. It is also available at bigger book stores and you can click here to see that Amazon has the hard copy and audio versions available. I am listening to it AGAIN because it is just a fantastic education for me and it is such a lovely read. I really appreciate her writing and storytelling.
You can also find the book and more at Jessica’s website: JessicaLander.com
I appreciate Jessica and this book so much. Big thanks to her again for all the work and everything she puts into the world.
How we can connect:
At the end of the show, I mention how you can register for the ML Summit if you are reading this real-time (Summer 2023). That info is below. HOWEVER, if you see this after July 15, 2023… the sessions should be streaming at the website for free so still go & check it out: www.MLSummit.net
Larry Ferlazzo and I are excited to be Masters of Ceremonies. We are all excited to learn together. Just check out the lineup!
Hope to see you in the Zoom or on Twitter using the #MLSummit hashtag! You can find me here:
Want to support grade-level content learning for newcomers? I’ve got you! The school year may be winding down or over in many places but this is a great time to reflect on how you might use co-created text next year with your emergent bilingual students. Or use it as part of an effective summer school routine.
This show follows Episode 115, where I explained how to use co-created text to teach literacy and accelerate language acquisition. In that show, I promised to do a show about how to use it to support content area learning. You can listen to this show in your favorite podcast app or right here:
I often share about a practice called Language Experience Approach. I try to be clear that I don’t do it exactly as it was/is intended. I am not an LEA purist because I adapt this technique based on the kids in front of me and the reason we are doing it. But here is more on what LEA is:
Steps to Language Experience Approach (See photo for more detailed explanation)
Students have a shared experience. (ex: we are looking at a poster with the water cycle)
Students have a discussion about the experience. (ex: “I notice…”)
Teacher writes key words and phrases on the board.
Teacher writes sentences from the key words
Teacher reads the constructed writing aloud.
Students use the text in various ways.
The LEA [Language Experience Approach] is as diverse in practice as its practitioners. Nonetheless, some characteristics remain consistent (Hall, 1970): Materials are learner-generated. –All communication skills–reading, writing, listening, and speaking–are integrated. –Difficulty of vocabulary and grammar are determined by the learner’s own language use. –Learning and teaching are personalized, communicative, and creative. – Can be found at https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED350887.pdf
I have written about this strategy in Ep 26 and Ep 115. Again, I don’t carry out this technique exactly as it is explained by researchers and there are many folks who know more about it than I do. But I DO know that some form of co-creating text *AFTER MY STUDENTS HAVE BEEN ENGAGED IN A CONVERSATION* has really helped accelerate language acquisition.
I am here today to tell you that it can also help you differentiate, it can help you be inclusive in content classrooms, and it can help all the students with grade-level learning.
Some of the research I mention on the show is from John Hattie’s Visible Learning work. Writing can help us reflect and Hattie’s work suggests that Reflection and Evaluation have a strong effect on learning (.75 effect size).
I always mention Joseph Maurer when I talk about effective content teaching. Joseph was a math teacher when I trained with him and he was also my own son’s Algebra teacher. We all marveled at what a skilled math teacher he was with newcomer and low socioeconomic students. But he was also effective with gifted and grade-level learners. In his trainings, Joseph explained that writing in Math (or any content area) is important for learners because it is basic to thinking, it promotes introspection and speculation, and it individualizes instruction (Fulwiler 1979, 1983).
I also quote Tom Romano from his book Clearing the Way: Working with Teenage Writers. He explains that we are not asking Math teachers to teach writing. We are asking them to USE writing to teach Math. That is key for effective math instruction.
Co-Creating Text Before, During, or After Instruction
This show offers ideas about co-creating text with students prior to teaching, during a lesson or after instruction. Here are a few examples of what co-created content writing can look like:
Don’t forget to follow the incredible HS educators, Kim Thyberg (@KimberlyThyberg) for more secondary examples!
I also mentioned the amazing Aly Averitt (@AlyAveritt) as someone to follow. She is a great Elementary teacher sharing a lot on co-creating text.
Another way of using co-created texts powerfully and purposefully. Ss were amazed when they realized that they just needed to change some words to create a new text! Tomorrow, they’ll finish this one👇🏽and then, write their own text in their notebooks! Inspired by @DrCarolSalvapic.twitter.com/ZbFbYwFpxN
And please email me (Carol@SeidlitzEducation.com) if we can come to your district to help you develop a plan for serving Newcomers! One day of consulting is making a huge difference for our clients! Reach out if you’d like to hear!